Publications on Policy Paper

Increasing democratic political engagement among university students in Jordan

Hussainy, Mohammed

Increasing democratic political engagement among university students in Jordan

Prep. by Mohammed Hussainy. - Amman : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Amman Office, 2012. - 16 S. = 1,2 MB, PDF-File. - (Policy paper
Amman, 2013

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[Increasing democratic political engagement among university students in Jordan

Hussainy, Mohammed

[Increasing democratic political engagement among university students in Jordan

Prep. by Mohammed Hussainy. - Amman] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Amman Office, 2012. - 15 S. = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Policy paper
Amman;Bonn, 2013

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The state's contribution in financing political parties in Jordan

Hussainy, Mohammed

The state's contribution in financing political parties in Jordan

Prep. by Mohammed Hussainy. - Amman : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Amman Office, 2012. - 13 S. = 750 KB, PDF-File. - (Policy paper
Amman, 2013

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

[The state's contribution in financing political parties in Jordan

Hussainy, Mohammed

[The state's contribution in financing political parties in Jordan

Prep. by Mohammed Hussainy. - Amman] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Amman Office, 2012. - 11 S. = 1,3 MB, PDF-File. - (Policy paper
Amman;Bonn, 2013

Download publication (1,3 MB, PDF-File)

Regional economic development and their impact on Jordan

Regional economic development and their impact on Jordan

Amman, 25 July 2000
Bonn, 2004

Download publication (870 KB, PDF-File)

[The economic adjustment programme and its impact on the Jordanian economy]

[The economic adjustment programme and its impact on the Jordanian economy]

2000/7/30 ʿAmmān
Bonn, 2004

Download publication (680 KB, PDF-File)

[The prospects of economic growth in Jordan]

[The prospects of economic growth in Jordan]

1999/10/13 ʿAmmān
Bonn, 2004

Download publication (550 KB, PDF-File)


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