Empowering Youth

With the majority of the Jordanian population being under the age of 30, promoting the participation of youth in social and political processes is a crucial part of FES activities in Jordan. FES educates young people on political, social and economic challenges faced by their country and the region, and trains them to become active members of society. FES - Jordan is committed to empower youth through young leaders program that selects 60 participants from all regions in Jordan and undergo a year full of capacity building workshops on different topics under the three pillars of: Political, social and economic challenges. 30 young leaders of highly performing from the first phase  are selected to participate in advanced young leaders program with a focus on human rights, advocacy skills, leadership skills and dialogue and facilitation skills.

The Focus of Our Work

  • Increasing political participation and involvement of youth promoting social justice and gender equality 

Young Leaders Program

Promoting the participation of youth in social and political processes is an essential part of FES activities in Jordan. Since 2010, FES has been educating young people on political, social and economic challenges faced by their country and the region, and training them to become active members of society. The primary aim of the Young Leaders program is to create a space for young people in Jordan to learn skills, exchange their views and develop ideas – hence building a network of well-trained youth wishing to be socially and politically active. Through this project, FES Amman has managed to establish a youth network of nearly 450 young people from all over Jordan to this day.  

FES Amman office shall announce the application date for the YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAM through its website and Facebook page in December of each year.

Young Leaders videos to promote Human Rights in Jordan

FES Young Leaders alumni 2018 Initiative "Hokuke"

Youth Study

Youth Study

In 2015, five years after the Arab Spring, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung assigned TNS Infratest, in collaboration with a scientific advisory board and the University of Leipzig, with the implementation of a large-scale... More


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P.O. Box 941876
Amman 11194, Jordan

+962 6 500 83 35
+962 6 569 64 78


Team & Contact


Optimism During Uncertain Times
A Report on Jordanian Youth

Optimism During Uncertain Times

FES MENA Youth Study: Country Analysis Jordan More

 Coping with Uncertainty Jordan
Youth in the MENA region

Coping with Uncertainty Jordan

A survey by Friedrich Ebert Foundation in cooperation with TNS Infratest Political Research and the University of Leipzig More