Publications from Jordan

[Transforming to decentralization in Jordan

Nimri, Jamil

[Transforming to decentralization in Jordan

national dialogue
Amman;Bonn, 2009

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Ten years of qualified industrial zones

Ten years of qualified industrial zones

absolute success or relative success
Amman;Bonn, 2009

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Der Gaza-Krieg und seine Folgen

Der Gaza-Krieg und seine Folgen

Realpolitik in einer verunsicherten Nachbarschaft ; Analysen ausgewählter FES-Büros in der Nahost-Region
Berlin;Bonn, 2009

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[The Middle East - peace by piece

[The Middle East - peace by piece

the quest for a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict
Amman;Bonn, 2010

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The Jihadi Salafist movement in Jordan after Zarquawi

Abu-Rumman, Mohammad; Abu Hanieh, Hassan

The Jihadi Salafist movement in Jordan after Zarquawi

identity, leadership, crisis and obscured vision
Amman;Bonn, 2009

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[Women in Zarqa Governorate

Aykhayyat, Leen; Alkuzaie, Hussein; Shawaneh, Abdullah

[Women in Zarqa Governorate

why should they be involved
Amman;Bonn, 2009

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[Future of social democracy

Meyer, Thomas

[Future of social democracy

Amman;Bonn, 2009

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Women & politics

Abu Hanieh, Hassan

Women & politics

from the perspective of islamic movements in Jordan
Amman;Bonn, 2009

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[Women & politics

Abu Hanieh, Hassan

[Women & politics

from the perspective of islamic movements in Jordan
Amman;Bonn, 2008

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Means to encourage the expand of solar heaters in Jordan

Means to encourage the expand of solar heaters in Jordan

Amman;Bonn, 2009

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