Publications from Jordan

Women and the law in Jordan

Bezzi, Annalisa

Women and the law in Jordan

Islam as a path to reform
Amman, 2016

Download publication (1,7 MB PDF-File)

Your guide to waste management in Jordan

Your guide to waste management in Jordan

waste sorting informative booklet
Amman, 2016

Download publication (3,1 MB PDF-File)

[Your guide to waste management in Jordan

[Your guide to waste management in Jordan

waste sorting informative booklet]
Amman, 2016

Download publication (3 MB PDF-File)

[Familiar slogans, a skeptical public

Sweis, Rana

[Familiar slogans, a skeptical public

the 2016 parliamentary elections
Amman, 2016

Download publication (1,4 MB PDF-File)

Familiar slogans, a skeptical public

Sweis, Rana

Familiar slogans, a skeptical public

the 2016 parliamentary elections
Amman, 2016

Download publication (1,3 MB PDF-File)

Parliamentary elections in Jordan

Wehler-Schöck, Anja

Parliamentary elections in Jordan

a competition of mixed messages
Berlin, 2016

Download publication (210 KB, PDF-File)

[Sun, water, wind

Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef

[Sun, water, wind

development of the energy transition in Germany]
Amman, 2016

Download publication (10 MB, PDF-File)

Sun, water, wind

Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef

Sun, water, wind

development of the energy transition in Germany
Amman, 2016, 2015

Download publication (14 MB, PDF-File)

The secret of attraction

The secret of attraction

ISIS propganda and recruitment
Amman, 2016

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

[The secret of attraction

[The secret of attraction

ISIS propganda and recruitment]
Amman, 2016

Download publication (1,5 MB PDF-File)


P.O. Box 941876
Amman 11194, Jordan

+962 6 500 83 35
+962 6 569 64 78


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